Thursday, September 2, 2010

Jobs Gives iPod Classic The Shaft / Captcha / Life Updates

Hey Everyone I know I'm late posting today, but I just installed League of Legends and spent half the day shopping for dorm stuff. Also I cut my thumb with a reciprocating saw yesterday when doing housework so its interesting how everything takes 3x as long with no left thumb.

Unrelated but helpful for me and shows you do occasionally visit the page: anyone who still has a captcha for comments, can you please remove them? Google's captcha doesn't play nice with Opera so sometimes I try to post a comment to your page and just get signed out of my comment profile (could be why you aren't getting comments from me)
Its really easy to get rid of, just go Dashboard > Settings > Comments tab >  turn "Show word verification?" to "No"

Finally as I mentioned yesterday, I took Steve Job's lack of commentary on the iPod Classic to mean that they are not going to update the it and will eventually drop it. It seems that CNN has the same thinking as they posted an article about it earlier today. The question has been asked of apple but as of yet there has been no response. This is actually quite sad for me as the iPod classic was my favorite of the line (Although my 80GB no longer works it served me well for 3 1/2 years)  It seems apple is once again on the track of Style > Substance (or maybe they just don't want to keep using the extra machinery?) After all iPod touch = iPhone - Phone.

Well feel free to post any apple related rage here. And its true what they say about Mac users being the least computer savvy, one of my friends who uses a Mac had an Ubuntu Graphic as his background and didn't understand what I was laughing about so I had to explain it to him.


  1. thanks for the helpful info

  2. I have disabled captcha but you don't need to comment on my posts. I look at my Reading List every day, and if you make a post I will go to your page.

  3. ffffuuuuu at the game

  4. I like the pic :>

  5. Thanks for the trick regarding Google's captchas. Really helpful! And sorry for your thumb. I hope everything gets better soon.

  6. Man that does really suck, I love my iPod classic. It's also the only thing they make with enough space to hold all my music.

  7. Looks like an interesting blog to follow around as I am very interested in technical information. Please support/follow my gaming blog so I can get it up and running successfully

    Thanks =)

  8. love the pic.. font is a bit small on comments ;o

  9. I don't use any Apple products, but the iPod Classic is the only one i'd be interested in. Oh well, one more reason not to get sucked in by Apple.

  10. Very nice

    Out rounding

  11. small font lol but great stuff you wrote there
    didn't read nothing of it but meh

  12. nice blog showing my support. follow back:)

  13. Truly helpfull! I'll support!

    Drop by my blog anytime

  14. thank god, just got my classic last week, just in time.
