Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Yesterday/Today: Hurd Joins Oracle / Nano Tech For Cooling Systems

Firstly I would like to apologize to everyone for not posting yesterday, I'm trying to fix some problems with my video card and XFX had me running Memtest 86 all day. But don't worry I'll make sure to get around to everyone's new posts today!

Mark Hurd of HP has defected to Oracle after being Fired for mismanagement at HP, Oracle has promised him an annual salary of 950k with a chance for a 10 million $ bonus each year. HP however is filling suit due to what they believe is a breach of contract, as they suspect Hurd of selling trade secrets for the deal.

The electric car: "The Buckeye Bullet" Made it to 307MPH

 Researchers from Sweden's Institute of Technology have discovered that adding some nanoparticles to water can improve its ability to conduct heat by around 60 percent. These particles, most commonly oxides of commonly used heatsink metals such as aluminum, copper and zinc, work by enhancing the liquid's (most likely a mix of ethyl glycol and water) ability to absorb the heat from components while still allowing for the even flow that makes water cooling so effective. Such technology could help companies lower energy costs, and allow components to function more efficiently, and could help tech related companies produce even smaller clusters of transistors, knowing that they now have cooling solutions for the everyday user, and the corporate render-farm alike.

for more info see:


  1. lol svenska

    showin' support

  2. water cooling ftw!
    im gonna keep up with this blog I really like it!

  3. your fired! but dont go and work for someone else... haha

  4. 60% increase is quite something, makes my tea faster!!

  5. I never thought of it that way... interesting

  6. yeah an Italian guy

  7. Jesus, just water and nanoparticles? You'd think we'd have hit on that sooner.

  8. oracle is quite weird

  9. That's impressive! I can't wait for these technology to be implemented in homes and businesses.

  10. :) i'd like to see this bullet on the german autobahn lol

  11. Great CNN video. It took forever to load though.
